Meet Amaya | Binford Dance Company Feature | Year Five

The Binford Dance Company was established in 2016. It is an audition-based student dance company from Binford Middle School, an arts integrated school located in Richmond, VA. Company members study Ballet, Modern, Jazz, Improvisation, and Composition within the Binford dance program. The company has performed throughout the community including: The 2019 Superintendent’s State of the Schools Address, Generation Dream, Richmond Public Schools Fine Arts Festival, Strawberry Street Festival, Appomattox Regional Governor’s School for the Arts and Technology, Petersburg Home for Ladies, and Cedarfield Retirement Community. The company also had the opportunity to perform in the music videos “Have It All” and “Love Is Still The Answer” by Jason Mraz. The Binford Dance Company inspires students to find their own voice through performance and choreography while learning valuable skills in the rehearsal process including collaboration, respect, and confidence.

This year the company dancers chose a word and in studio executed their word through movement, costume and set color and design.



Amaya 8th grade

From a young age, I‘ve had a strong connection with ballet. When I was a kid, I saw The Nutcracker annually with my mom, and by the time I was seven I had most of the soundtrack memorized. My first time seeing the performance was life changing. As I watched the dancers fill the stage, my stomach had butterflies. With each new character and scene introduced, I became more drawn to storytelling through movement. I soon realized that I wanted to start my own dance journey. 

I began taking lessons and I realized how much technique, effort, and patience it takes to be a ballerina. One of the things I love about dance is that it is always changing and evolving, so there is often room for improvement and time to take a step outside of my comfort zone.  No one is perfect, and I think dance is one of the best reflections of that. We can always find more to work on and can always strive for a better version of ourselves. I have found relief in knowing there is always more for me to do. 

On my second time trying out for the Richmond Ballet’s Nutcracker, I received a role. I was overjoyed and noticed that being on stage was one of the best feelings in the world. Performing makes all of the practice worthwhile. I continued to participate in The Nutcracker each year. It has been truly amazing, and I will forever cherish the memories and friends I have made while being a part of the show. 

When I came to Binford in sixth grade, I was immediately drawn to the Binford Dance Company, so I tried out. Luckily, I was selected as a member and it started to feel like home. I‘ve been in the company for three years now and it has been an incredible experience. Not only has it been the highlight of middle school for me, but also my escape from whatever's going on in my life. I‘m sad to leave it behind, but I’m looking forward to continuing my dance journey throughout high school. 

I chose the word bloom because just like how a flower starts from a seed, and works its way into a bud and begins to blossom, I’ve been taking dance classes for years, yet somehow this is only the beginning. Dance has helped me to bloom and grow, and I’m excited to take everything that I have experienced and learned through the duration of my life with me to Appomattox Regional Governor’s School for the Arts and Technology, where I will continue to study dance.

Katrina Taggart-Hecksher