Ready to be inspired? take a seat & get comfy as you look around!
Since 2017, we have photographed and shared the passion and stories of over 100 dancers in the richmond, va. area.
meet Katrina Taggart Hecksher of gianna grace photography
and founder of dancers of rva
Call me kat- dance & portrait photographer, tampa fl native and lover of all things movement & color. I am a mural enthusiast, avid reader and lover of the human story.
“If there is one place I should be right now, it is exactly where I am at. i am grateful for each dancer who gives me the gift of sharing their dance journey! that fills my heart, inspires me and renews my passion for the arts. My greatest hope is that it does the same for you. thank you for following along, my friends”

featured dancer
Hello RVA! My name is Liv Klingler, I’m fifteen years old, and I love to dance! I began dancing at age three and haven't stopped since. I decided to commit more to dance at age seven by joining the J'adore Dance Project, which I am still part of. I spend multiple hours training at my home studio, J’adore Dance each night. I train in ballet, pointe, jazz, contemporary, hip hop, and tap. I also spend my time as an assistant instructor and teacher at J’adore.
One of my favorite things is being able to travel around the country for competition/conventions, master classes, and intensives. I've taken classes from the Rockettes, danced at Broadway Dance Center, and recently attended the PACE University Fall Dance Intensive. Other highlights include master classes with; Alonzo King Lines Ballet, Teddy Forance and Travis Wall, NYCDA Nationals, Hollywood Vibe Nationals, Dance Makers Nationals and The Dance Awards. A few years ago I got through the first round of auditions for So You Think You Can Dance (Kids) and moved onto auditions in NYC, that was an amazing experience that I learned so much from. Recently, I have discovered a passion for tap and joined Josh Nixon’s youth tap company (SYTE & Sound). I am a freshman at Appomattox Regional Governor’s School for the Arts and Technology. Along with my core subjects, I train in modern and ballet everyday at school. I love that I get to go to a high school that is focused on my passion. I also love to choreograph! I am currently working on a Duo with a friend for school.
meet liv | be inspired | rva dance award nominee

Nominate a dancer
know a dancer with an amazing story to share? We want to know them too!
use the form below to nominate the dancer that has inspired you!
Due to COVID-19 we are taking a break from scheduling shoots and sharing stories. We will resume shooting again in the near future!